Monday, June 8, 2009

My own Sweetie Pie

I've been so busy lately with the launch of my new website (still in the works) that I have forgotten about blogging! I'll give you a little update on this oh so sweet life of mine. :)

My little baby girl (who is almost 3!!!) is growing up so fast... right before my eyes. I'm so glad I have SO many pictures of her when she was a newborn and every month thereafter so that I can remember every little detail about her. THIS is one of the main reason's photo shoots are so important! Though we think we might remember every bit of our life, it just so happens those sweet little moments pass by and most often, if not documented, are lost from our memory forever!

I've found myself smiling over the current cute little things Felicity will do, thinking I should probably write that down! Then a few days will go by and I forgot to write it or photograph it and I've completely lost it from my brain! Yep! It's out! I have come to the conclusion that extreme forgetfulness comes with being a mother. ;) So, losing these precious memories is something I am not about to let happen! I have a journal and a camera and am going to make a point to document as much as possible!

I am little by little redecorating Felicity's room to fit her ever-so-speedily growing self. She and I were out in our front yard the other day playing (actually, I was watching her dance... something she LOVES to do) when I realized I needed my camera! So, I snapped a few shots that truly showcase her wonderfully animated personality and I am going to frame them in her bedroom. Hope you enjoy getting to know my sweet little girl! :D