Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I photographed a beautiful family this past sunday afternoon and it was a ton of fun! There were 14 of them in all so it made it a very memorable experience! The family is just full of gorgeous adults and children so I just couldn't stop snapping away! But the children especially were so much fun to shoot... it was very entertaining.

Here are some shots from sunday, but don't forget the outtakes! Some of my favorite pictures are the one's that most photographers delete before even thinking twice about loading them on their computer. These are the pictures that really showcase the personalities of the people (especially children) so while you are at it, don't forget to check out the "Bloopers" gallery of my website!

1 comment:

Cacie Parker said...

That little girl is so classicly beautiful! Wow! Nice pictures! You captured their personalities very well!